Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The More Things Change . . . , 2

Remember how Candidate Obama was going to end the war in the Middle East? How he promised to start withdrawing troops immediately upon assuming office? How he was going to stop the unconstitutional arrest and detainment of suspected terrorists without benefit of counsel or trial?

Perhaps our presidents all come from the Bizarro world, where everything is opposite. Or . . . perhaps presidents from both parties take their agenda from the same ruling elite.

In any case, here is a refreshingly honest assessment of President Obama's speech on "Indefinite Detainment" as presented on MSNBC:

Thanks to RPC for sending me the link to this report.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The More Things Change . . .

The more things change, the more they stay the same. According to a commonly accepted urban legend, the Republicans are the party of big business and the Democrats are the party of the common man.

These observations made by Gary North in a recent issue of Reality Check demonstrate that both parties cater to the ruling elite.

Obama's free ride here is going to continue. The well-organized corporate interests that supply each President with his advisors want the taxpayer-funded subsidies. Goldman Sachs provided Clinton's Secretary of the Treasury (Rubin) and Bush's (Paulson). Kissinger & Associates gave Timothy Geithner his first job. He rose to become the second most powerful official in central banking: president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Nobody notices. Nobody complains. I mean nobody significant.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Obama Deception

If you haven't seen this video yet, it presents a lot of material all in one place. I don't agree with all of Alex Jones' conclusions (e.g., that the present financial crisis was part of the conspiratorialists' plan), but I think this two-hour film is informative & shows the two-faced, I mean two-party system for what it is: a sham.